
Over the years, a greater emphasis has been placed on our nation’s telecommunications and broadband systems. This emphasis turned to a dependency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. All of us at Elevate recognize the need to support the resiliency and expansion of these systems, making us the ideal partner for our clients in the telecommunications industry.

With our team having spent decades in Washington and on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, with oversight over the telecommunication sector, we have forged valuable relationships with every key lawmaker, relevant House and Senate committee, and influential agency, allowing our clients to hold dialogues with them on the importance of their services and the accessibility of broadband technology , spectrum issues and various other issues that affect our diverse client base.

Our telecommunications practice has historically focused on engaging with key officials and stakeholders to implement policies that will allow our clients to build out our nation’s broadband networks, an issue brought into sharper focus due to the pandemic. We have also aided our clients in launching several informational campaigns on the importance of federal assistance and investment towards improving broadband access in rural parts of America.

Telecommunications have been playing an increasingly larger role in our everyday lives, and we work to ensure that everyone has the same access to these services by providing unparalleled support to our clients.