Jeff Markey, Co-Founder & Principal

Jeff Markey is a 29-year veteran of Washington, DC and has spent more than a quarter century working to drive outcomes at the federal level. He has worked across issues in his roles as both senior staff to Members of Congress and Consultant. Jeff has been leading teams for more than 20 years that have secured billions of dollars in federal funding and created new federal programs and legislation. Jeff has been at the crossroads for those who engage the federal government as a regulator, funder, customer, client or market maker. Prior to co-founding Elevate, Jeff was a driving force behind SIGNAL Group (formerly McBee Strategic) for more than 16 years. Jeff’s commitment to his clients and ability to drive measurable value is demonstrated by the long tenure he has working with his clients. Jeff has extensive experience designing and creating winning strategies to accomplish client goals in new and innovative ways and harness all the tools required to drive success in the Halls of Congress and within federal agencies.

Jeff served as Deputy Chief of Staff to former Congressman Doc Hastings (R-WA), Legislative Director to the late Congressman Jack Metcalf (R-WA) and worked for Senator John Seymour (R-CA) and the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

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