
Few sectors offer the degree of complexity as the aviation industry, with regulatory and legislative barriers at seemingly every turn for those attempting to navigate through the field or bring innovation to the industry. Our work covers all aspects of the sector – infrastructure financing, aircraft manufacturing and certification process, crisis management , advanced air mobility and numerous other legislative and regulatory issues that affect the industry.

Our team has extensive experience within aviation, having held positions on both sides of the aisle with the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, the United States Department of Transportation General Counsel’s office, the House Transportation, and Infrastructure Committee, the Federal Aviation Administration and more. Whether it be airlines, airports, manufacturers, or new technology companies, our vast experience allows us to succeed across all facets of the industry. It also includes working directly with key safety and technical agencies, like the Transportation Security Administration, National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Communications Commission (e.g., 5g rollout) as well as the pertinent authorizing and appropriating committees of jurisdiction on the Hill.

We’ve had policy achievements in every Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization bill since 1990 either working on or off the Hill and since our inception. We have been highly successful in advocating for key regulatory changes in the FAA and Department of Transportation for the benefit of our clients. We also routinely have leveraged our relationships with lawmakers and agencies to secure funding for the clients we represent.

Our team has unique experience working through the many issues that exist in the aviation policy space, and this experience informs our strategy development and advocacy for our clients.